Arooba Name Meaning, Origin, Religion, Personality, Lucky Number

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Arooba Meaning

Happy and optimistic woman, Woman who loves her husband, Woman who is loved by her husband

Arooba Urdu spelling


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Name gender Baby girl
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  • Arabic
  • Muslim
Arooba or Aruba is an Arabic name for girls that means “happy and optimistic woman”, “woman who loves her husband”, “woman who is loved by her husband”. It is derived from the AIN-R-B Quranic root.

What does Arooba mean?

Arooba is a name of
  • Arabic
origin for Baby girls that mean Happy and optimistic woman, Woman who loves her husband, Woman who is loved by her husband

How do you write Arooba in
  • Arabic

The name Arooba is written in Arabic, Urdu and Persian as عروبہ

What origin is the name Arooba?

Arooba is mainly popular in religion and its main origin is
  • Arabic

Variant spellings of the name Arooba

Lucky number for Arooba

The lucky number for Arooba name is unknown, Would you like to Suggest an Edit with your feedback?

Is Arooba a trendy name?

Baby girl name Arooba has
  • Arabic
roots and means Happy and optimistic woman, Woman who loves her husband, Woman who is loved by her husband. The name has secured a 8K ranking in popularity on MuslimBabies.

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  • S
    But apki life me عروج اور زوال dono aate hai ye appr depend krta ap dono me kaese react krte ho agr apne apni mushkil time me SBR nhi kiya himmat...
  • S
    Ap ki life عروض اور زوال dono aate hai ye appr depend krta hai aapko seep ki moti bnna hai ya samandar ke aansu ki trh apki life me mushkil aaegi...
  • L
    Iris is a great name if you want to uphold Islamic tradition but give your child a common western name.
  • Al Wali
    No, I believe not. Muhammad Wali is recommended.
  • K