Atoosa Name Meaning, Origin, Religion, Personality, Lucky Number

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Atoosa Meaning

Name of an Iranian princess, Beautiful Body.

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  • Persian
  • Muslim
How to write in Urdu: اتوسا

Atoosa is a Persian girl name meaning beautiful body.In Iranian History, Princess Atoosa (550-475 B.C.) was the daughter of Cyrus the Great, half sister to Cambyses who married Dariush. Atoosa is a prominent woman in the Iranian history. After the death of his half brother Cambyses, Atoosa married Dariush the Great and gave birth to 4 children including Xerxes.She was so influential that got the important religious title Banu after Anahita.According to a story, not very creditable; Cambyses fell in love with his half-sister Atoosa and gathered magians to legitimize his marriage to her.Atoosa is known to be the person who intrigued Dariush for his conquest of Greece. (Wikipedia) - Atossa (Redirected from Atoosa) Statue of Atossa.

Atossa or Atoosa (from Old Persian *Utauθa, and Avestan Hutaosā) was an Achaemenid queen and daughter of Cyrus the Great, Cassdine. She lived from 550 BC to 475 BC and probably was a sister (or half-sister) of the Persian king Cambyses II.

Atossa married Darius I during 522 BC after he, with the help of the nobleman Otanes, defeated the followers of a man claiming to be Bardiya (Smerdis), the younger brother of Cambyses II.

Herodotus records in The Histories that Atossa was troubled by a bleeding lump in her breast. She wrapped herself in sheets and sought a self-imposed quarantine. Ultimately, a Greek slave, Democedes, persuaded her to allow him to excise the tumor.

Xerxes I was the eldest son of Atossa and Darius. Atossa lived to see Xerxes invade Greece. Being a direct descendent of Cyrus the Great, Atossa had a great authority within Achamenian royal house and court. Atossa's special position enabled Xerxes, who was not the eldest son of Darius, to succeed his father.

Literary references
Aeschylus included her as a central character in his tragedy The Persians. Atossa is also one of the major characters in the Gore Vidal novel Creation.

In his history of cancer, The Emperor of All Maladies, Siddhartha Mukherjee imagines Atossa traveling through time, encountering different diagnoses and treatments for her breast cancer. Atossa becomes emblematic of cancer sufferers through history.

What does Atoosa mean?

Atoosa is a name of
  • Persian
origin for Baby girls that mean Name of an Iranian princess, Beautiful Body.

What origin is the name Atoosa?

Atoosa is mainly popular in religion and its main origin is
  • Persian

Variant spellings of the name Atoosa

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Lucky number for Atoosa

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Is Atoosa a trendy name?

Baby girl name Atoosa has
  • Persian
roots and means Name of an Iranian princess, Beautiful Body.. The name has secured a 1K ranking in popularity on MuslimBabies.

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  • S
    But apki life me عروج اور زوال dono aate hai ye appr depend krta ap dono me kaese react krte ho agr apne apni mushkil time me SBR nhi kiya himmat...
  • S
    Ap ki life عروض اور زوال dono aate hai ye appr depend krta hai aapko seep ki moti bnna hai ya samandar ke aansu ki trh apki life me mushkil aaegi...
  • L
    Iris is a great name if you want to uphold Islamic tradition but give your child a common western name.
  • Al Wali
    No, I believe not. Muhammad Wali is recommended.
  • K