Asma Ul Nabi Names List - 106 Inspirational Baby Names

99 Names of Muhammad (PBUH) with Meaning in English and Urdu. The list of 99 Names of Prophet Muhammad مُحَمَّد ﷺ with Meanings.
  1. Rasool Al Malahim رسول الملاحم

    The Messenger of the battles of the Last Da Messenger
  2. Khatim خاتم

    Seal, Seal
  3. Mad'u مدعو

    Who is called
  4. Qareeb قریب

    Near Near
  5. Muharram محرم

    Forbidden, Immune
  6. Muneer منیر

    Brilliant, Bright, Radiant Bright Brilliant Radiant Right
  7. Munir منیر

    Brilliant, Bright, Radiant Bright Brilliant Radiant Right
  8. Awwal اوّل

    First First
  9. Muti مطیع

    Obedient Obedient