Coronavirus Names List - 15 Inspirational Baby Names

Baby names inspired by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Babies born during the pandemic are entering a unique period in American history. Though you probably won't want to name your child "Corona," there are plenty of coronavirus-inspired baby name ideas that can honor the time they were born.
  1. Hope

    Desire of Fulfillment Desire
  2. Jason

    Healer, To heal Healed Healer
  3. Phoenix

    Dark red, Purple-Red, Crimson Purple Red
  4. Apollo

    Destroyer, Virile, Manly Destroyer Man
  5. Brigid

    Strong, Strength, Exalted, Lofty Exalted Lofty Strength Strong
  6. Salvia

    Healthy, Safe, Whole, Forest Princess Healthy Princess Safe Whole
  7. Kenzo

    Wise one, Strong, Healthy Healthy Strength Strong Wise
  8. Alisha

    Noble, Light, Protected by God, Honesty, Truthful Honest Light Noble Protected Truth Truthful
  9. Hale

    From the remote valley, healthy, strong, hero Healthy Hero Strength Strong
  10. Serenity

    Serenity, tranquility, clear, calm, Peacefulness Calm Clear Peace
  11. Agatha

    Virtuous, Good, Good woman Good Virtuous
  12. Anthony

    Priceless one, Highly praiseworthy Praiseworthy Priceless
  13. Luke

    Person from Lucania, from Lucania
  14. Asher

    Blessed, Happy Blessed Happy
  15. Salma سلمی

    Safe, Protected, Peaceful, Healthy Healthy Peace Protected Protection Safe