22 Names that Mean Father for Boys and Girls

List of baby names that mean Father for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest Baby names meaning Father, Find rare and unique names that stand for Father, What name means Father? All Father names for girls, Father names for boys.
  1. Abraham

    Father of a many, Father of nations Father
  2. Vasudey واسودیو

    Name of Krishna's father Father
  3. Yaqoob یعقوب

    Name of Prophet, Father of Hazrat Yusuf, Aqab mein anay wala Father
  4. Abu Ayub ابو ایوب

    Father of Ayub, Name of Sahabi Of Prophet Muhammad SAWW Father
  5. Abul Fazl ابو الفضل

    Father of bounty, Father of grace, Full of bounty, Full of grace, One endowed with great graciousness, High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb, Virtue and Grace Bounty Exalted Father Grace Graciousness High Status Sublime Superb Virtue
  6. Atanaz آتاناز

    Father’s pride, Father’s solace, Father’s darling Father
  7. Abba ابا

    Father Father
  8. Abigail

    Joy of the Father Father Joy
  9. Abdul Muttalib عبدالمُطّلِب

    This was the name of the grand father of the Prophet PBUH Father
  10. Babak

    Small father Father Small
  11. Kinaaz

    pride of the king,a princess who makes her father proud Father Princess
  12. Abbey

    Father rejoiced, or father's joy. Gives joy. The intelligent, beautiful Abigail was Old Testament... Beautiful Father Intelligent Joy Testament
  13. Ubai

    Little father Father
  14. Abu Saeed

    Father of dignified Father
  15. Abram ابرام

    High father, Great father Father