Asma Ul Husna Names List - 99 Inspirational Baby Names

99 Names of Allah with Meaning in English and Urdu. Names of God in Islam are names attributed to God in Islam by Muslims. While some names are only in the Quran, and others are only in the hadith, there are some names which appear in both. List of ‪Asma ul Husna names and their meanings, usage and detail.
  1. Malik Ul Mulk مَالِكُ الْمُلْكِ

    The Owner O Sovereignty, بادشاہی کا مالک
  2. Ar Ra'oof الرؤُوف

    The Most Kind, نرمی کرنے والا Kind
  3. Al Afuww العفو

    The Pardoner, معاف کرنے والا Pardon
  4. Al Muntaqim المنتقم

    The Avenger, بدلہ لینے والا
  5. At Tawwaab

    The Ever Acceptor of Repentance, توبہ قبول کرنے والا
  6. Al Barr البر

    The Source Of All Goodness, احسان کرنے والا Good
  7. Al Muta'ali المتعلی

    The Most Exalted, بلند صفتوں والا Exalted
  8. Al Waali الوالی

    The Governor, مالک
  9. Al Baatin الباطن

    The Hidden, پوشيده Hidden Secret
  10. Az Zaahir الظاہر

    The Revealer, ظاہر
  11. Al Akhir الآخر

    The Last, سب سے آخر
  12. Al Awwal الاوّل

    The Very First, سب سے پہلے First
  13. Al Mu'akhkhir الموخر

    The Delayer, پیچھے کرنے والا
  14. Al Muqad'dam المقدم

    The Expending One, آگے کرنے والا
  15. Al Muqtadir المقتدر

    The Powerful, مقدور والا Power Powerful