Asma Ul Husna Names List - 99 Inspirational Baby Names

99 Names of Allah with Meaning in English and Urdu. Names of God in Islam are names attributed to God in Islam by Muslims. While some names are only in the Quran, and others are only in the hadith, there are some names which appear in both. List of ‪Asma ul Husna names and their meanings, usage and detail.
  1. Al Mu'izz المعز

    The honourer Bestower, عزت دینے والا
  2. Ar Rafi الرافع

    The Exalter, The Elevator, بلند کرنے والا
  3. Al Khafiz الخافض

    The Abaser, The Reducer, پست کرنے والا
  4. Al Baasit الباسط

    The Spreader, The Extender, کشادہ کرنے والا
  5. Al Qabiz القابض

    The Withholder, The Constrictor, تنگ کرنے والا
  6. Al Aleem العلیم

    The All Knowing One, جاننے والا
  7. Al Fattah الفتاح

    The Opener, The Reliever, کھولنے والا
  8. Al Razzaq الرزاق

    The Sustainer, The Provider, رزق دینے والا
  9. Al Wahhab الوھاب

    The supreme Bestower, نہت دینے والا
  10. Al Qahaar القھار

    The All Prevailing One, The Dominant, دباؤ والا
  11. Al Gaffaar الغفار

    The Great Forgiver, بخشنے والا
  12. Al Musawwir المصور

    The Flawless Shaper, The Artist, Designer, Sooratein bananay wala
  13. Al Baari الباری

    The Evolver, The Developer, پیدا کرنے والا
  14. Al Khaliq الخالق

    The Creator, تخلیق کرنے والا
  15. Al-Mutakabbir المتکبر

    The Dominant One, Barayi wala