77 Names that Mean Pure for Boys and Girls

List of baby names that mean Pure for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest Baby names meaning Pure, Find rare and unique names that stand for Pure, What name means Pure? All Pure names for girls, Pure names for boys.
  1. Artin آرتين

    Pure, Virtuous Pure Virtuous
  2. Arteena آرتينا

    Pure, Virtuous, Holy Pure Virtuous
  3. Artadokht آرتادخت

    Pure and virtuous girl Pure Virtuous
  4. Arta ارتا

    Pure, Virtuous, Sacred Pure Sacre Sacred Virtuous
  5. Arsheeda آرشيدا

    Noble and brilliant, Pure and dazzling Brilliant Noble Pure
  6. Arshavir آرشاوير

    Pure man, Virtuous man Pure Virtuous
  7. Armita آرمیتا

    Pious, Virtuous, Pure, Humble Humble Pious Pure Virtuous
  8. Areen آرين

    One who belongs to the Ari people, Noble and Pure Noble Pure
  9. Andia عندیہ

    Little angel, Pure girl Angel Pure
  10. Asfiya اصفياء

    Pure ones, Just ones, Holy ones Pure
  11. Asfa اصفیٰ

    Purer, Clearer, Purest Clear Pure
  12. Ardin آردين

    Pure man, Virtuous man Pure Virtuous
  13. Aeni عینی

    Original, Pure, True Original Originality Pure
  14. Tahoora طہورہ

    Pious, Pure, Pak Pious Pure
  15. Zakiya زکیہ

    Pure, Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Devoted Devoted To Allah Devoted To God God-fearing Pious Pure Virtuous