146 Names that Mean Rose for Boys and Girls

List of baby names that mean Rose for your baby boy and baby girl. See all the latest Baby names meaning Rose, Find rare and unique names that stand for Rose, What name means Rose? All Rose names for girls, Rose names for boys.
  1. Saman Rukh سمن رخ

    One whose face is as beautiful as a Jasmine flower Beautiful Flower Rose
  2. Saman Naz سمن ناز

    Beautiful like a Jasmine flower, Elegant like a Jasmine flower Beautiful Elegant Flower Rose
  3. Sahar Gull سحر گل

    Flower of the dawn, Beautiful, Fresh Beautiful Dawn Flower Morning Rose
  4. Gul Saman گل سمن

    flower of jasmine , beautiful like jasmine flower Beautiful Flower Rose
  5. Yasma یسمہ

    flower of jasmine Flower Rose
  6. Gul Panrha گل پانڑہ

    Flower Petal Flower Rose
  7. Zahrun زھرون

    Blossom, Flower Blossom Flower Rose
  8. Zahriyyah زهريّہ

    Flower-like, Flower vase Flower Rose
  9. Zahaar زھّار

    Florist, Seller of flowers Flower Rose
  10. Muzhirah مزھرہ

    Blooming, Plant whose flowers are opening Blooming Flower Plant Rose
  11. Muzhir مزھر

    Blooming, A plant whose flowers are opening or have opened Blooming Flower Plant Rose
  12. Mizhir مزھر

    A place that is filled with flowers Flower Rose
  13. Zahri زہری

    Flower-like, Fresh and good looking like a flower Flower Good Good Looking Rose
  14. Zarmisha زرمیشا

    Golden flower Flower Gold Rose
  15. Wuraid ورید

    "Little flower” Flower Rose