Christian Baby Names for Boys and Girls with Meanings

Christian baby names are used by families who practice Christianity. The names often have biblical origins and spiritual significance. Here's a list of Christian baby names for boys and girls with their meanings, origins, personality and lucky numbers. Whether you're looking for traditional names or modern ones, there are plenty of options to choose from.
  1. Blagorodna

    Noble Nobility Noble
  2. Blagoy

    Sweet, Pleasant, Good Good Pleasant Sweet
  3. Blagoj

    Sweet, Pleasant, Good Good Pleasant Sweet
  4. Blagica

    Sweet, Pleasant, Good Good Pleasant Sweet
  5. Bistra

    Clean, Pure Clean Pure Purity
  6. Bisera

    Pearl Gemstone Pearl Plant
  7. Bilyana

    Herb Plant
  8. Biljana

    White, Fair, Herb Fair Plant White
  9. Zorka

    Dawn, Aurora Dawn Light Morning
  10. Zora

    Dawn, Aurora Dawn Light Morning
  11. Zlatuse

    Golden, Gold Gold
  12. Zlata

    Golden, Gold Gold
  13. Zlatan

    Golden, Gold Gold
  14. Veroslav

    Faith, Glory Faith Glory Virtue